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Young Adults & Adolescents

I have spent the bulk of my coaching career working with young adults, and I specialize in working with young people who are stuck in unhelpful mental patterns such as anxiety, overwhelm, indecision, doubt, fear of mistakes/failure, difficulty with communication and expression due to fears to being misunderstood, judged or criticized, as well as negative beliefs that kill motivation, discipline and will. 


When working with adolescents and young adults we generally begin by clarifying and connecting with their own unique values. We use these values to identify and define what they want to be doing and how they want to structure their time and energy. We also work to align these values with the choices and behaviors that are so critical for manifesting their desired future. The goal is always to help each young person to move towards living the life they want.


There is also an important opportunity for young people to develop the critical skills of working more effectively with their mind and their body, which allows them to increase their motivation, discipline and success. Learning to more effectively work with our mind and our body is as essential as learning to drive a car; we need our mind and our body to be as responsive to our will as the car is when we are driving. Being able to use our body and mind to consistently start, stop, and change directions are such crucial skills that relate to motivation and discipline.


The 5 Essential Practices give young people the skills needed to be more present, balance and regulate their mind and body, and consistently align their choices and actions with their values.  Young people are rarely exposed to these skills, so when they learn and apply them in their life, the results are game changing!


These skills can be applied to any number of contexts relevant to young people:

  • Self care, health and wellness

  • Life skills

  • Finding and maintaining employment

  • Academic success

  • Executive function skills

  • Budgeting/Finances

  • Working with addictive patterns, avoidance and distraction

  • Social connection, relationships, dating, and sexuality

  • Responsibility, autonomy and independence

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